View Profile shluvenz
Getting better...

Ned @shluvenz

Age 35, Male

Maximal Torn


Portland OR

Joined on 3/20/06

Exp Points:
2,800 / 2,840
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5.84 votes
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warp travelers?

HALF-LIFE! Oh wait...how about...Paradox Duo?

I like this name a lot. I might just use it.

I got it, Slap Happy Timentists Part IV

Ha ha ha, who ever said this must be a total fag.

Oh... OH...

Screw you buddy

I give an VERY nice suggestion, and all I get is a gay joke?

Pshh, go find the nearest broom and go fuck yourself faggle.


Oh, so that is how it is going to be, I get it now.
I give you frendly advice about you sexuality and and you tell me to go fuck myself, that is just... well you can burn in the deepest parts of hell you bastard.
Oh and by the way, I thought you were a girl so calling you a fag was more of a compliment...

Oh, well if you thought I was a girl, then alright.

You got to be CLEAR on these kinds of things. God/Buddha/Tom Cruise knows that we got enough Dick jokes on this site already.

Keep up the good work on the "good" game


Oh, well thank you kind sir, I would like to meet you some day.
Welcome to DIE!


If only we knew eachother.

Or our houses were a mile or so away from one anothers.

Bah, oh well. Like anyone on Newgrounds actually sees another user.

I know what you mean, it sucks that we are probalby on the opposite sides of the world. If I were gay I would fly out there today and meet You...

Did the above 4 comments make any sense?

What was that? Another shot at my sexuality?

Well No-picture. You sir, are an A Hole.

I hope your parents know that you are throwin out insults like they are candy.

Maybe you should think before you just try to violate my mind with words. Get off your High Horse and mingle with the "Peasants" as you would probably call people like me. Walk in my shoes before you just assume. Then go kill yourself because you think you know more than I.

...Tired of all these people walkin in like they know exactly whats up. If you dont got a real idea, then keep your mouth shut.


I know what you mean my new found friend. Since when is it illegal to have a nice conversation with some stranger you met on the internet. What an asshole.

Some people have no respect for us civilians; as you might call us, No-picture.

Fuck I remember back in my day someone could say a few words without being cut down for no good reason.

Well, I guess we are just going to have to accept that the King (as No-picture may call himself) is always going to step all over the little guy.

It is ignorant bastards like No-picture who are responsible for the holocaust.

And by the way I saw that he does infact have a picture, so not only is he an asshole, he is a liar.

Jesus titty Christ No picture. what hell do you think your doing talking a shot at that kind sirs sexuality. if this was medieval times i guess you would consider your self the king, all up on your throne and what not. cutting off your wifes head because she keeps failing to produce a son for you. Those two are right, wasnt slaughtering the jews enough for you.
but to answer your question. yes, yes the above statements make sense. they make as much sense as why a old woman would go to mexico and slaughter all the mexican burritos she sees on a mid Thursday night. so while the rest of us go off and lick our wounds from your hate speech why dont you go sit in the corner of self awareness and think about what you have done... and may you die a peasants death.

What the heck? All I did was comment. There was really nothing bad in that comment.

Come on, give me a break. I am no king, nor insulting. Neither a bastard.

Lies, you are a back stabing bastard. We were minding our own business and you ride in on you high horse and put us all down.

Shame on you, think of all the children who are still-born... Have you no respect for the little guy.

Well obviously you hate all those poor people in Ethiopia. You sick fuck, No-picture.

That is all i have to say asshole.

Oh, you're trying to get on my good side now? Playin retarded? Listen dude, if you dont stop with this kind of crap I'm either:

A. going to tell Tom


B. Kill your whole family on the grounds that you raped my sister.

Dont worry though, I'll leave you alive to wade in your own guilt at pokin fun at peoples "Preferences".

Stay classy San Diego.

And No Picture... Go Die

Oh your a King all Right... the king of A-hole land. and you shoved your foot right up Cronky's... its not all his fault that he prefers men to woman. you say your not a bastard but you certainly killed my father with your tounge of hatred. and not to talk about Shluvenz, all he did was post a nice blog looking for support and you bring over some starving iraqi child and strap your bomb and insults to him and we all end up covered in the innards. well sir i disgusted that you would even show back up in here. not to mention that i hear that you do in fact a picture, so again i have been deceived. fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and i have to become an orphan who has to whore my self out to men and sire i dont not like men... not like Cronky does. good day you hateful king of lashings.

Am I missing something with this No-Picture buisness here? No? Well in that case, No-Picture you jerk I just want you to know that you have made me VERY angry. I mean just look at you. Its people like you that keep the human race from being able to progress! Just look at your horrible grammar, "Neither a bastard." I mean sure we all make mistakes im sure I made twenty in this comment alone but none that severe. You are dispicable! You just bash everyone you possibly can for some kind of sick pleasure. "Did the above 4 comments make any sense?" Yes. Yes they did. Anyone that wasnt so pompus and stupid would be able to ralize that it was just a normal conversation between a person with questionable sexuality and our main man with the scientist game idea. Rot in hell No- (Actually Has A Picture) Picture.
-Alex GM

Thank you Alex, you are a True Visionary.
Spread the word of hate, Thank you friend.


Let it flow Brother in arms. this hatred cant stand against us all for long.